It seems that each week Google releases another feature to add to their ever-expanding suite.

Regardless of what you do or where, there’s a pretty good chance you are already using Google for organising your life.

If you’re not, you probably have an iPhone.

So that’s why it makes a lot of sense that Google has released a brand new, updated version of Google Voice including VoIP calling.

Google Voice is intended to be the replacement for Google Hangouts, planned to be phased out by 2020.

Incorporated into the app are all of your typical and expected UC features – IM, caller ID – you can also easily decide if you want to use your carrier or WiFi. Options!

The chatter around about Google Voice shows that people are still unsure as to how this “new” application (which is also available as a web app) will be used professionally. There are many established and preferred unified communications platforms that people are comfortable and happy with such as 3CX, and making the change may cause more issues that it’s worth.

Having said that – if you’re someone like me with the Google Drive, calendar, Gmail, and every other application I can’t think of – why not give it a go?

Google Voice is currently only available in USA and Canada, but we are hoping that it will be rolled out to Australia sooner rather than later. It may be a matter of how popular it ends up being overseas, but one thing is for sure – people are curious.

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