Before upgrading your phone system to a SIP trunk plan, you’ll need to understand what you’re buying – we’re here to help. Looking for more in-depth information? Try our FAQ page.
ATA - Analog Telephone Adaptor
Also, ATA is one of the few acronyms we know of where 2/3 of the words are spelt differently based on where you’re from (Analog/Analogue and Adaptor/Adapter)!
CDR - Call Detail Record
A CDR or Call Detail Record documents all of the calls that have passed through a telecommunications providers infrastructure. Aatrox Communications providers a CDR at the end of each month to view details of all calls made, which comes in the form of a CSV file.
DID - Direct Inward Dialing
DID, or Direct Inward Dialling is where we (or your telco) assign a range of telephone numbers to your SIP Trunks. These numbers can then be called to reach users or endpoints on your PABX. Before DID, each phone required its own phone line – so an organisation with 30 staff would have 30 phone lines – even though they’d probably never all be in use at once. With DID, the same organisation may only need 10 SIP trunks, but based on the number called the call will be routed to and ring on the correct phone.
Bandwidth is very important in achieving high-quality VoIP performance – have a look at our FAQ for more detail on your bandwidth requirements.
IP - Internet Protocol
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
IVR - Interactive Voice Response
Generally speaking, the further a signal has to go, the longer the latency (there can be other delays such as poor configuration, but we’ll ignore those for now). An extreme example is satellite internet connections, which route your internet connection through a satellite in a geostationary orbit 35,000km above the earth. That means by the time your voice has reached whoever you’re talking to it has probably come 70,000km. Even at the speed of light, that takes about 1/4 of a second, which they experience as a moderate delay. Wow!
LNP - Local Number Portability
LNP sits alongside mobile number potability and local rate and freephone number portability (1800, 1300 and 13 numbers).
Know your rights! Not all providers will willingly allow you to port numbers away from them – but unless you were advised otherwise when you signed up for their service, they are not allowed to deny your request.
These days, a manual PBX is something we might see in a museum – so there’s no real difference between PBX and PABX and the terms are used fairly interchangeably.
PSTN - Public Switch Telephone Network
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